Page 38 - RB-105-2023-2
P. 38
Hafez Ayoub: “My Mission is to reach all customers to solve their transport problems and reduce their costs.”
accelerate in the future, driven by heavy investment in public infrastructure and economic 2022-27.
At present Chinese tyres are estimated to make up 60% of replace- ment truck tyre sales, with premium tyres only 10% and retreads accounting for 30% of the market. In the OTR sector 75% of the market is covered by Chinese brands, 15% by Indian manufacturers and 10% by the premium brands. However, issues with the quality of the Chinese tyres has recently led to customers starting to offer their OTR tyres up for retreading. It was against this backdrop that retreader Trisons Tire Retreading Company and spoke to the com- the company in 2010.
about casings for the retreading process and for tyre repair. The end users appreciated our activity to train their tyre technicians, which resulted in a remarkable reduction in their costs. Casing conditions were very bad due to the road conditions, as there are massive con- and constructions companies overloaded the vehicles.