Page 20 - RB-107-2023-4
P. 20

  SOUTH AFRICA IMPOSES ANTI-DUMPING DUTIES ON CHINESE TYRES LEGISLATION REPORT -SOUTH AFRICA  South Africa’s International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) has announced that anti- dumping duties of between 7.18 percent to 43.6 percent will be imposed on dumped imports of passenger, truck and bus tyres imported from, or originating in, China. The decision follows an initial application made by the SATMC (representative body for the four local tyre manufacturers in South Africa), on 31 January 2023. In response to the final determination by ITAC, Nduduzo Chala, SATMC Managing Executive, commented, “as the SATMC, we applaud this de- cisive measure by ITAC and the Minister, which comes as a significant victory for the domestic tyre industry. The implementation of these final anti-dumping duties will serve to uphold fair trade practices and protect the economy against opportunistic pricing in the tyre sector, which has posed a threat to the future of the South African tyre industry. “The SATMC and its members, Bridgestone Southern Africa, Continen- tal Tyre South Africa, Goodyear South Africa, and Sumitomo Rubber South Africa, played a pivotal role in advocating the imposition of the antidumping duties and actively participated in the investigation process conducted by ITAC. The tyre manufacturing body provided extensive data, analysis, and expertise to demonstrate the adverse effects of the dumped tyres from China on the domestic industry. “We commend ITAC’s expert members for their diligent efforts in con- ducting a thorough investigation into this complex matter and arriving at a well-justified conclusion, which acknowledges the challenges faced by the domestic tyre manufacturing sector. We are also satisfied that the Minister found that the evidence of material injury to the industry was properly substantiated,” concluded Chala. In response, the Tyre Importers Association of South Africa (TIASA), ex- pressed their disappointment at ITAC’s decision, via a comment repre- senting the interests of their members, many of whom source products from China. “TIASA takes note of the final determination to impose dumping margins for tyres imported from China, but we are still of the opinion that it is not in the best interests of the consumer, as they are the only ones who will end up paying more for their tyres,” said Charl de Villiers, Chairman TIASA. “The transport industry will be hit the hardest by these increases, which will lead to their cost base increasing considerably, leaving them no alter- native but to increase their prices, which in turn, will negatively affect the consumer. “While we have to accept the ruling, it is, however, disappointing that we could not deal with the confidentiality issue and that our consultant was not permitted to see the final calculations, to better understand the out- come and ruling. We do, however, welcome Minister Patel’s comment to review price increases by SATMC members, following the implementa- tion of the dumping margins. “Going forward, our focus will be to place more emphasis on illicit trade, which we believe is a massive risk to our members and the fiscus. As an industry, we should be joining forces to ensure the playing field is level,” he concluded. Source: SA Treads   P.20 

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