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         Nova Prata Factory COMPANY REPORT Leandro Rigon “Vipal Rubber is a consolidated brand in the global market and is among the leading companies in its segment. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of tyre retreading rubber globally and a leader in commercial tyre retreading in Latin America”. inauguration of the first Brazilian factory for tyre and inner tube cold cure repair products in 1974. Shortly after that, in 1982, we began exports to Chile. Another significant milestone occurred in 1986 when Vipal started producing materials for hot cure tyre retreading with the launch of the camelback line. In 1991, the company ex- panded its offerings by introducing pre-cured treads, cushion gum, and envelopes, marking the beginning of manufacturing products for cold cure tyre retreading. Gradually, the portfo-   What are the most significant achievements that Vipal has ac- complished over its 50 years of existence? Throughout its journey, numerous achievements have pro- pelled Vipal Rubber to its current status as a global bench- mark in tyre retreading, making it one of the largest rubber manufacturers in the world in this segment. We began with a small operation in southern Brazil and gradually specialised in producing materials for repairing all types of tyres. Among the early significant milestones, it is worth highlighting the  P.23 

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