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Marangoni Invests in Lawer Metering Technology at Rovereto Plant

Marangoni Invests in Rovereto Plant

The Marangoni Group has announced additional investments in the compounding system at its plant in Rovereto, Italy.

Marangoni Has Invested in Lawer Metering Technology at Its Rovereto Plant

Following the installation, in 2015, of an advanced Intermix compounding system featuring rotors with variable clearance, the company has now introduced a new automatic metering solution proposed by the specialised company Lawer. The completion of this investment is expected to further raise the quality and precision standards of a Marangoni’s compounding system at national and international level.

Gianluca Merlo, head of Operations Italia at Marangoni S.p.A., stated: ‘The industrial tyre sector is driven by the ever-changing demands of end users and by the very high speed of technological developments. As for the compound room of the Rovereto plant, this new generational leap will bring higher quality to our production. Once again, this investment also demonstrates that Marangoni sets the benchmark for businesses engaged in the innovation of production processes, such as Lawer, which aim to implement high-technology projects.’


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